At North Asheville Family Dentistry, we want you to be an active participant in your own health. We take the time to listen to your concerns & explain different options, so you can make informed decisions about your dental care & stay involved.
Patient Education

We encourage an open dialogue between our dental professionals & our patients. Like any health professionals, we are prone to doctor-speak, but we always strive to speak plainly & avoid jargon! If we ever say a word you don’t understand, please ask us to explain. We believe that the more our patients understand their care, the healthier their smiles will be.

Here are some frequently asked questions about dental care. Please take a look & feel free to contact us if you want more information on any topic.

You should be brushing your teeth twice a day & flossing at least once a day. Most people brush in the morning when they wake up & brush & floss at night before bed. If you want to brush after lunch too, we highly approve. When you brush your teeth it should be for a full two minutes. Make sure you get the back & front sides of your upper & lower teeth & their biting surfaces. Floss with about an arm’s length worth of floss, using a clean 2 inches for each tooth to prevent cross-contamination from one tooth to another. If you’d like the dentist or hygienist to demonstrate proper brushing & flossing technique, please just ask during your visit!

New Patients & Emergency Appointments Welcome!